Watchers View

The Watchers View is a view which shows all current watchers for the current item. This view is part of the Watchers Tool Window, but can also be added to any custom layout to show instantly the Watchers for any give item and allow them to be modified. This works well for items such as Tasks that require Watchers as part of a configurable workflow.

Watchers Features

The Watchers grid is a current view of all Watchers against any given item.

When viewed from the Tool Window this view will show Watchers for the current item, or through the standard Selection View Tool Window, it can show current watchers for any selected row in a grid.

Watcher Properties

The Watcher grid has the following properties:

Watcher TypeThe Type of Watcher
UserOptional - The User that is watching this item
A User, Role or Team must be selected as a Watcher, though the rest can be blank
TeamOptional - The Team (and thus all Users of the Team) that is watching this item
A User, Role or Team must be selected as a Watcher, though the rest can be blank
RoleOptional - The Role (and thus all Users of the Role) that is watching this item
A User, Role or Team must be selected as a Watcher, though the rest can be blank

See Watcher Types for configuring Watchers and how they can integrate into workflow.


The Watchers view has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.