
The Watchers is a tool window [more info] which allows you to view and configure the current watchers against any given item. This integrates with the workflow providing notifications and ensuring items appear as tasks for other users where configured and required.

Watchers Features

Watchers allow you to work against the current active item, or any grid selected item with the standard Selection View for Tool Windows, and see at a glance everyone who has an interest in this item.

Watchers can be specific to an individual User, or more commonly apply to whole Teams or Roles. Each watcher interest is associated with a Watcher Type [more info]. These dictate in what capacity the watcher has an interest, and most automation, workflow, and triggers are attached to watchers for a specific watcher type.

For instance, you could have a Watcher Type of "Assigned To" setup. You could also configure Tasks with Triggers [more info] so that when someone (or a Role/Team) is added as a Watcher with type "Assigned To" against a Task that they automatically receive a notification the Task is assigned to them and it appears on their list of things to do.

The Watcher Tool Window provides an easy mechanism to see at a glance, and configure, all watchers against any item you're currently working with.


The Watcher Tool Window is managed through the following views: