
Walkthroughs are designed to guide you through various parts of the functionality in the core platform. These walkthroughs range from beginners, to intermediate, depending on what you're trying to accomplish. They sometimes cover configuration, formulas and scripting, but most advanced configuration comes under our API, Auto-Code Designers and coding which is covered in much more detail in our developer documentation.


We are always updating and adding to our walkthrough guides. If you do not find guides on something you're looking forward please contact support (support@lemonedge.com) to notify us and we'll let you know when you can check back later for the guide.

Our walkthrough guides cover the following sections:

  • Auto-Code Designers:
    A beginners introduction to the capabilities within the auto code designers, and how you can easily create entities that are instantly a real part of the platform integrating with reporting, canvases, permissions, auditing, etc, and so much more.
  • Canvases:
    A beginners introduction to how easy it is to instantly create canvases, and utilise them for a range of requirements such as modelling, forecasting, importing, on-boarding new users, workflow, etc.
  • Financial Services Engine:
    A beginners introduction on how to setup the following:
    • An Entity Structure
    • Allocation rules, paths and mappings
    • Transaction Codes to create new transactions
    • Assets with new transactions
    • A GL Rollup report to query the gl entries automatically created according to the transaction code rules configured