Users View

The Users view allows you to specify the basic details about users, which permits logging in and use of the LemonEdge solution.

User Properties

The unique user friendly name of this user
Email Login
The unique login for this user - normally an email address. 
The system will use this as the default email for notifications if required.
Default Team
The current teams set of permissions that the user is running the system under.
A user must be a member of at least one team otherwise they will be unable to login.
Last LoginThe date/time of the last successful login of this user
Default Notification Type

The default method the system uses to notify the user [See Watchers for more info]. Can be:

  • System Notification
    This is the default notification method the system uses, where the application notifies the user of notifications and displays a list they can look in more detail at or dismiss.
    Regardless of any other notification method selected - the system will still always use this one too.
  • Email Notification
    Emails the user using their Notification Email Address, or Email Login is that is blank.

You can have other custom notification methods if you've implemented the IWatcherNotificationType interface in our API. This could inform you through custom corporate systems such as 3rd party products, teams, slack, etc. See our API for more info.

SuspendIndicates this user is suspended. 
If they are suspended the user will not be able to login, but any attempts are still audited.
Run In CanvasIndicates the user is currently running exclusively within the specified canvas
Lock In CanvasIndicates the user is locked into running in this canvas only, they can not log into the main system or any other canvas. See our canvas technology for more info.
Last Logged In RoleIndicates the role the user is currently running the system in.
UI ThemeThe theme the current application is using for the UI

Note: You can not delete a user. This is because anything the user has ever done is logged in the audit trail and needs to link back to the user who did it. If you want to remove a user, you should suspend them.


A user has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

Users can be exported and imported as packaged xml files to transfer configuration across systems. Again this is available from the grid commands.

When viewed from the single user view, you have the following custom commands:

  • Reset Password
    You can reset the password for a given user provided you have permission to edit that user.