Transfer Entity Overrides View

The Transfer Entity Overrides View is responsible for filtering the set of transaction allocations, gl allocations and allocations that will be transferred by this operation.

Transfer Entity Overrides Features

By default the system will transfer the specified percentage from the Source Entity to the Target Entities for all transactions, and allocations that Source Entity is involved in.

You can further restrict, or alter, that behaviour. The Entity Override allows you to specify changes to the percentage that is being transferred for the specified legal entities.

For instance, you can say that the transfer should transfer 100% of everything from the Source Entity, except for a certain legal Entity where you want to override the percentage to 0 - they keep all their interest in transactions against that legal Entity.

Transfer Entity Override Properties

Transaction Entity Overrides have the following properties:

The legal Entity you want to provide a percentage override for all transactions, gl postings and allocations that occur against this legal Entity.
Override PercentThe percent you want to change the Source Entity to in terms of what percentage they will be transferring from all transactions, gl postings and allocations against this legal Entity


A Transfer Entity Override has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.