Transaction Type Values View

Transaction Type Values are the core Values in the system that all Transactions can track. 

Transaction Type Value Properties

Transaction Type Values have the following properties:

The unique user friendly name of this value that can be recorded by Transactions

The unique short code for this Value. This will be appended to the column names for the Transaction when reporting, importing/exporting, etc. For instance a value with the code ROC will provide 3 Transaction fields:

  • Local_ROC
  • Func_ROC
  • Reporting_ROC

This indicates to the system how this value should be entered by the user:

  • Local
    This is the typical one for portfolio Transactions. Indicating the user enters an amount in local currency and the system calculates functional and reporting from fx rates.
  • Functional
    Indicates the user enters an amount in functional currency and the system calculates local and reporting from fx rates.
  • Reporting
    Indicates the user enters an amount in reporting currency and the system calculates functional and reporting from fx rates.
  • LocalFunctional
    Indicates the user enters an amount in local and functional currency and the system calculates reporting from fx rates.
  • LocalReporting
    Indicates the user enters an amount in local and reporting currency and the system calculates functional from fx rates.
  • FunctionalReporting
    Indicates the user enters an amount in functional and reporting currency and the system calculates local from fx rates.
  • LocalFunctionalReporting
    Indicates the user enters an amount in local, functional and reporting currency and nothing is calculated.

For instance when using a value like Unrealized FX the entry would be LocalFunctionalReporting to indicate the fx amounts in functional and reporting can be entered, and local should be left as 0 not calculated from the exchange rates.

DescriptionA user friendly description for this value

Once Transaction Values are saved the system also updates all the system queries for reporting on them [see here for more information] and thus can take a second or two to save.


A Transaction Type Value has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.