Transaction GL Postings View

The GL Postings view holds all the GL debits and credits associated with a given Transaction. The GL does not contain any metadata or attributes, it is a pure GL meant for fast and efficient performance and analysis. 

Transaction GL Postings Features

The GL Postings holds all the information posted into the GL in an independent stand alone fashion so the GL can be reported on purely on its own. You can always link to the associated Transaction for contextual information, but all the required detail is in the GL.

A GL Posting records the GL Account being debited or credited, along with the amount in 3 different currencies. Those are Local, Functional and Reporting, see Transactions for more information.

The posting also records the legal Entity this GL Posting is being recorded against along with the Ledger it is being recorded in. The Financial Date of the posting is normally the same as the Financial Date calculated for the parent Transaction assuming the Entity is the same for both. If the Entity is different (Transaction Codes can be configured to perform inter-company journals for instance) then it will calculate its own Financial Date for that posting line independent of the Financial Date of the Transaction.

You can create manual journal entries in the system by simply creating a Transaction Code called "Journal" that has no values, or just one value to automatically assign to any created GL Postings, and the ability to manually add GL Postings. Whenever you create a Transaction using this code you can simply add as many journal entries as you like by specifying the required GL Accounts, Ledger and debit/credit amounts.

This ensures reports can be run against the Transactions, or the GL however you like in an incredibly efficient manner.

Transaction GL Posting Properties

A GL Posting has the following properties:

Manual PostingIndicates if this GL Posting line was added manually by the user versus automatically according to the Transaction Code
Parent Transaction
The parent transaction this GL Posting belongs to
GL Account
The GL Account that is to be used for this journal entry
The Ledger this journal entry will be entered in
The Entity this journal entry is against
CurrencyThe Local Currency of this journal entry
Transaction DateThe Transaction Date for this GL Posting. Normally this would be the same as the Transaction Date of the Transaction, but can be configured to hold other values such as the Settlement Date
Financial DateThe Financial Date for this GL Posting for the given legal Entity and Transaction Date
Local DebitThe amount to be posted in local currency against this GL Account as a debit entry
Local CreditThe amount to be posted in local currency against this GL Account as a credit entry
FX RateThe FX Rate between Local and Functional currencies
Functional DebitThe amount to be posted in functional currency against this GL Account as a debit entry
Functional CreditThe amount to be posted in functional currency against this GL Account as a credit entry
Reporting FX RateThe FX Rate between Local and Reporting currencies
Reporting DebitThe amount to be posted in reporting currency against this GL Account as a debit entry
Reporting CreditThe amount to be posted in reporting currency against this GL Account as a credit entry


A GL Posting has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

You may not be able to create/delete GL Postings if the Transaction Code has been configured to prevent it. You may also not be able to modify the GL Posting values if the Transaction Code has been configured to automatically create and populate those entries automatically.