Transaction Codes View

The Transaction Code View holds the header information for Transaction Codes and dictates the overall behavior of the Transaction.

Transaction Code Properties

Transaction Codes have the following properties:

The unique user friendly name of this Transaction Code
CodeA short unique code for this Transaction Code for reporting and display purposes
TypeThe Type of Transaction Types for this Transaction Code. Only Values that belong to this Type can be recorded against Transactions that use this Code.

Additional Fields that the Transaction should allow the user to see and edit, these include:

  • Price
  • Units
  • Settlement Date
Settings TypeIndicates this Transaction has custom settings associated with it. This allows selection of any Custom Entity (created through our Designers or API) that implements LemonEdge.API.Entities.IHasTransactionSetting. See our API documentation for more information.
These settings can be used in any of your custom processes or formulas for the Transaction.
Allow New ValuesThis indicates the User can add new Transaction Values as columns to the Transaction however they like.

This holds if the Transaction directly records a Path or not:

  • None
    This is the default indicating the Transaction doesn't store the Path to use to allocate the values. Instead it dynamically obtains it through the Instrument and Mappings when required.
  • Auto From Instrument
    This indicates the Path should be stored against the Transaction, and is obtained from the Instrument and Mappings.
    Unlike None, this then holds the Path statically against the Transaction. If the mapping changes later this Transaction will still allocate using the old Path
  • Manual
    This indicates the User should select a Path for the Transaction to use.

This indicates how the system should automate GL Postings:

  • Auto
    This is the default and indicates any GL Postings configured against this Transaction Code or the Transaction Values should be automatically created
  • None
    This indicates no GL Postings are allowed on these Transactions and none will be automatically created by the system
  • AutoWithOverride
    This indicates the system should automatically create GL Postings but that the User can also manually override their calculated values
  • Manual
    This indicates the User can manually add individual journal entries themselves

This dictates how the system should Allocate these values of the Transaction:

  • None
    This is the default and indicates the Transaction doesn't store the breakdown allocations of any values. Rather they are dynamically calculated when required from the Path of the Transaction
  • Automatic
    This indicates the system should breakdown the Transaction Values by the allocations acquired from the Transaction Path automatically.
    Typically used with Capital Transactions as this actually stores the allocated amount of the Transaction Values by ultimate owning entity as well as just the Transaction Values themselves.
  • AutomaticWithOverride
    This indicates the system should breakdown the Transaction Values by the allocations acquired from the Transaction Path automatically. It also allows users to override those values.
  • AutomaticWithOverrideAndNewEntities
    This behaves the same as AutomaticWithOverride but also allows the User to add their own ultimate owning Entities as part of the breakdown allocations even if they are not in the Path.
Sub Transactions

This indicates if this Transaction allows sub-Transactions to be created as part of it:

  • None
    This is the default meaning Transactions exist stand alone
  • Auto
    This indicates this Transaction can have child Transactions but that they are automatically created by custom processes
  • Manual
    This indicates that this Transaction can have child Transactions and that the User can create them manually.

Sub Transactions are still real Transactions in their own right and are treated that way by reporting, etc. However they always have the same Transaction Code and other settings as the Parent Transaction, and are related to them for usability, reporting, and calculations.

LedgerThe Ledger these Transaction Values are recorded against.
If blank the User will have to select a Ledger.
This Ledger is used for GL Postings that are automatically created and don't have a Ledger specified for themselves.

By default there are available custom Settings in the LemonEdge platform for Transactions. They only exist in Accelerators or any custom ones you've created against our API.


A Transaction Code has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.