Transaction Code Values

Transaction Code Values hold the Values that will be recorded against any Transaction using this Transaction Code. They dictate precisely what a Transaction is tracking.

Transaction Code Values Properties

Transaction Code Values have the following properties:

Transaction Type Value
The Transaction Type Value that you want Transactions using this Transaction Code to be able to record

The method in which Users can edit these values:

  • Manual
    The default meaning Users can directly edit these values
  • Automatic
    Indicates these values are calculated from formulas or custom processes
Allow Value Auto GLIndicates that if this Transaction Type Value has any GL Entries configured to be automatically created against it that these should be created by the Transaction.
By default this is true to say any GL Postings configured for this Value should be created against the Transaction. You can override this to False to indicate the only GL Postings you want to be created are the ones directly configured against this Transaction Code itself


A Transaction Code Value has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

As a Transaction Code Value has a sequence the standard grid allows you to move the items up and down changing their order. This reflects the order the values will appear in the Transaction itself.

Transaction Code Values also have the following custom commands:

  • Local Value Formula
  • Functional Value Formula
  • Reporting Value Formula

All these formulas are dynamically evaluated to determine the amount for this Transaction Value at run time. See our Formula Engine for more information.