Transaction Code Processors

Transaction Code Processors allow you to add custom logic created against our API to the processing of your Transaction.

Transaction Code Processor Features

All Transaction Code Processor Extenders inherit from the base class LemonEdge.API.Processors.Transactional.TransactionProcessorExtender. See our API documentation for more detail.

This Extender gives you the ability to react to any changes within the Transaction itself and implement any custom algorithms to processes those changes however you like.

There is an example simple Extender available called the ValueOffsetterExtender also in the LemonEdge.API.Processors.Transactional namespace. You can inherit this class in the API and simply provide it the codes of two Transaction Type Values. Whenever one of these values is provided by the User in the Transaction this extender simply gives the other value the equal but opposite amount, and vice-versa. It's a simple example of how you can use Extenders to perform any custom logic you like within the processing of a Transaction.

Transaction Code Processor Properties

Transaction Code Processors have the following properties:

Custom API ProcessThe TransactionProcessorExtender you've created using our API that implements your custom logic.

By default there are no Extenders in the LemonEdge platform. They only exist in Accelerators or any custom ones you've created against our API.


A Transaction Code Processor has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

As a Transaction Code Processor has a sequence the standard grid allows you to move the items up and down changing their order. This represents the order the custom extenders will be processed in by the Transaction Engine.