Tool Window - Permissions View

The Permissions Tool Windows view allows you to view and modify permissions against the current active data.

Permissions Features

For each team you have defined in the system you can create specific overriding permissions to change that teams default access to this record and provide a new set of permissions instead.

These permissions are the permissions those specific teams will have for the active record, and will override any default permissions they have for these types of records. See Teams for more info on permissions.

You can only change permissions against a record if you have the "Can Change Permission" yourself for this active data record. If you do not have that permissions you will not be able to change any permissions against this record.

Permission Properties

The team you are assigning a new overriding set of permissions to for this current active data record
Can ReadIndicates this team has permissions to view this record.
If they do not have this permission, the team will never see this record through any function of the system be that the API, reports, web services, etc.
Can WriteIndicates this team has permissions to modify this record.
If they do not have this permission, the team will never be able to modify this record through any function of the system be that the API, web services, applications, etc.
Can DeleteIndicates this team has permissions to delete this record.
If they do not have this permission, the team will never be able to delete his record through any function of the system be that the API, web services, applications, etc.
Can Change PermissionsIndicates this team has permissions to change the permissions for other teams for this record.
If they do not have this permission, the team will not be able to alter permissions that other teams have to this record through any function in the system be that the API, web services, applications, etc.

It is important to note, that this permissions set against an active record supersede any default permissions the team may have to these record types. See Teams for more information on permissions.


A permission has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.