Tool Window - Data Sources View

The Data Sources Tool Window view allows you to view and modify data source records against the current active data.

Data Sources Features

For each data source type you have defined in the system you can add an associated data source id against the active data record. This enables you to store as many 3rd party keys for data in the system as you like.

These keys can be used for matching records on imports, or reconciliation reports, among other uses.

The permissions for each data source id inherits permissions from the record itself - if you don't have permissions to change the record you won't have permissions to update any of its data source ids either.

Data Sources Properties

Data Source Type
The data source type that you are storing an associated unique external key for
Source ID
The unique key from a third party system for this record

When creating a new item, this view auto-pops up a grid for selecting the data source types you want to add to the current record. 

These data source ids are automatically available to you whenever you export data from the system, and also as fields you can use whenever your importing. They are in essence extra fields on every record in the system fro your use.


A data source id has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.