Team Users View

Team Users can be used to easily assign which users have access to which team permissions, and vice versa.

Team User Features

When a user has access to a team it means they can run the system under that teams credentials and permissions. Users can not mix team permissions, they are always running under a single team set of permissions. At any point a user can switch teams and the system will reload and run the application under the new set of permissions provided by that team.

A user must belong to at least one team. Without which they would not have access to anything, and be unable to login.
Whenever a user does login they are always logged back into the same team they were running under before if they have more than one possible team.

Team User Properties

Team Users have the following properties:

The Team you want to give a User access to.
This column will be auto-populated and hidden when viewed from a team itself.


The User you want to provide with access to a Team.
This column will be auto-populated and hidden when viewed from a User itself.

When creating a new item, this view auto-pops up a grid for selecting the users you want to add to the team (when viewed from a team itself, otherwise it would be the teams you want to add to a user). This enables you to select a large set of users at once to easily provide access to large sets of users. Likewise you can use our export/import tools to quickly modify which users have access to which teams.


A team user has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.