Standard Views

The system has a standard view that is responsible for displaying data against any entity in the system. This standard view works across all our multi-platform clients [more info] ensuring a consistent and powerful experience for the user.

Standard Features

The standard view, as with all system views, obeys the permissions you are currently running under. If you do not have permissions to edit the data you won't be able to from this view either - or it will throw an error when you try and save your changes.

The view has the following standard functionality for controlling the look, feel and behaviour of the controls you want to display to the user:

  • Controls can be set to be placed in side grid row/cells, or;
    • Can be set to automatically wrap, or stack depending on the available screen space available to the view
    • Can wrap or stack either horizontally or vertically
  • Controls are automatically created appropriate to the data type
  • Labels, help and validation are all visible to the user
  • Controls can be hidden or visible
    • Controls can have formulas [see our formula engine] controlling their visibility. This enables you to easily create groups of controls that are available for more information when certain data fields pass your formula.
  • Controls can take up the entire space of the view for multi-line controls such as rich text for notes, etc.

Standard Commands

By default no standard view for displaying data from an entity has any standard commands. You can easily add any command to process custom algorithms or tasks by implementing a command against our API and adding it to the commands for the view. See our API Code section for more details.