SQL Wrapper Columns

The SQL Wrapper Column view allows you to specify precisely which columns the function or stored procedure you have written will return. These columns should be created in exactly the same order and of the same name/type as the actual columns returned in your function or stored procedure.

SQL Wrapper Column Features

The columns displayed here should match precisely the order, type and name of the columns actually returned by your custom stored procedure or function.

This enables the LemonEdge platform to fully understand the inputs and outputs of your sql, and thus from this schema it can fully integrate your custom sql into the platform allowing you to utilise it however you like.

By using this column information you can re-use SQL Wrappers and query them again in Datasets. The system can also allow a variety of other options from understanding the structure of all the columns returned by this SQL Wrapper.

For instance by exploiting this functionality you can dynamically pull in external data from LemonEdge and include it in your reports/analysis/processes without that data ever residing in the LemonEdge platform itself.

SQL Wrapper Column Properties

SQL Wrapper Columns have the following properties:

The name of this column. This is the name used as column headers in csv exports.
Column User Friendly LabelThis is the column name the user sees when the results are displayed in a grid, or other presentation format.
The order this column will appear in the result set. This can be moved up and down using the standard grid commands.
Parent IndexThis column is hidden by default but can be made visible to edit if needed.
The parent index is used for columns that display labels for unique identifiers. If you have a column that holds a unique identifier key, you can set the label of that column to have a parent index of the uniqueidentifier column. The system will then know how to display the label in the grid for the user rather than a list of uniqueidentifiers the user won't be able to recognize.
DescriptionA user friendly description of this column
VisibleIndicates if this column is visible by default when the results are displayed in a grid. The user can always make the column visible if it is hidden, and will always see the column in result exports too.
EntityTypeThe type of entity this column has data that originates from. 
Entity Property NameThe property of the EntityType that this columns data maps to
Enum Property TypeIf this property is an enum type this holds the type of enum to be used for displaying in grids.
FormatApplies any custom formatting you want to the result when displayed in a grid. See here for more info.
Footer AggregateIndicates when displayed in a grid that this column should be totaled automatically and displayed on the grid itself. This will also happen when the data is arbitrarily grouped by the user.
Group HeaderIndicates this column should belong to a header group when displayed in a grid
Sub Group HeaderIndicates this column should belong to a sub header group within a group header when displayed in a grid
Group ByWhen displayed in a grid this indicates this column should automatically be grouped in the grid
Freeze Up ToBy default the first column is frozen when displayed in a grid. Here you can specify a different column that should be frozen when scrolling through the grid horizontally.
Part Of Row HeaderWhen scrolling vertically the scroll bar displays a row header quick view. This indicates if this column should be part of that template.
Is Default SearchIndicates when the user searches the grid that this column should be included in that search by default
SQL TypeIndicates the actual underlying sql type this column holds
Max LengthThe max length to use if this column is a text type such as nvarchar. If blank it is the equivalent to nvarchar(max).
PrecisionIf this is a decimal sql type this holds the precision amount as in decimal(18,2)
ScaleIf this is a decimal sql type this holds the scale amount as in decimal(18,2)


A Column has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

As a Column has a sequence the standard grid allows you to move the items up and down changing their order.