Server Tasks

Server Tasks holds every task that has been run on the task servers, including processed tasks, running tasks, and those still sitting in a queue. From here you can see the current status of running tasks, cancel running or queuing tasks, and create new tasks.

Server Task Features

All tasks that run on the system, be that system tasks or your own custom ones created through our API, are integrated into our Server Tasks module. Server Tasks, regardless of the custom task they perform, all have the following functionality:

  • A Status
    • Not Running
    • Running
    • Completed
    • Cancelling
    • Cancelled
    • Failed
  • Custom Parameters
    If the task has any custom parameters, a custom popup dialog will allow you to change these
  • Custom Results
    If the task has results, a custom processor will handle showing you the results. For instance if this is a report task it will download the report for you.
  • Current Progress
    If the task is currently running it will show you the current progress percentage of the task
  • Progress Log
    The task can log it's percentage progress and any associated messages, including errors.
  • The ability to Cancel
    If the task is currently running you have the ability to cancel the task. How the task responds to the cancel request depends on the custom task implementation.
  • A re-occurrence option
    If you set the task to repeat with an Occurrence and Frequency the system will create a copy of the task scheduled to run at the next occurrence every time it starts processing the task.

Task Initiation

Tasks are normally integrated into the relevant areas of their functionality. For instance running a report task is integrated everywhere you want to export grid results into excel (as well as other places). When you are creating tasks against our API, you can integrate those tasks wherever you like including using the ability to have them trigger according to configured system changes. This way they can run as automatic background tasks responding to user actions.

Every task can also manually be created and run from the Server Tasks area itself. You can always just select that type of task, any required parameters and run it. This gives you one place to interact with all tasks in the system.

Standard Tasks

The system has a number of default tasks that you can create, these include:

  • Recalculate Blend Transaction
    Processes the algorithm for a Blend Transaction [more info].
  • Recalculate Period End
    Recalculates the capital account data items for a given period end [more info].
  • Recalculate Transfer
    Reprocesses the affects on transactions, rules, and other custom data, for a given Transfer operation [more info].
  • Export Data
    Runs a specified SQL Wrapper, with certain parameters and stores the results for download [more info].
  • Execute Import Definition
    Sequentially steps through all the steps in an import definition and processes each step [more info].
  • Import Data
    Processes a single import file according to the method it was initiated by (Validate Only, Sequential, Batch, etc) and imports the data accordingly [more info].
  • Reset Account
    Resets an account by specifying a new admin login and password for a specific account within the database (the system allows multi-tenanted accounts) and then effectively performs a Reset System Roles using the new/updated admin account details [more info].
  • Trigger Notification Task
    Triggers a notification task on a specific entity instance [more info].
  • Trigger Task
    Runs any custom triggers setup against the specified entity types. This task is normally not run from server tasks itself as it requires a unique timestamp to run triggers against all data that was modified at that time. This is automatically created during a save when matching items to configured triggers are altered. [more info]
  • Compare Databases
    This is a custom task that allows you to compare the database of the current LemonEdge connection against another database connected to LemonEdge. Every table is compared and the comparisons are logged for your review. This can be used as part of our automated Testing capability [more info] to complete a comparison of your test suite to the expected data.
  • Copy Account Data
    Copies all the data in one account into another account in the same system.
  • Commit Custom Object To Database
    Upgrades the database with changes for a particular entity
    Note: All connected processes will be paused, unresponsive, or return failures, while this upgrade is in process [more info].
  • Upgrade Database
    Upgrades the entire database.
    Note: All connected processes will be paused, unresponsive, or return failures, while this upgrade is in process [more info].

All custom tasks integrated into the platform through our API will also be accessible when creating a Server Task from scratch.


Server Tasks can be managed using the following views: