
LemonEdge has a number of standard roles that illustrate the full range of functionality available within the platform. Roles are used to specify the menu options available, and any custom layouts that users of the role have access too. Roles do not restrict permissions, those are enforced in the permissions area of Teams.

Role Features

Roles are the basic group in the system that users can belong to. A user must be a member of at least one role (a user can switch between multiple roles) that defines the look, feel and functionality available to a user when running in that role. This is done through specifying the menu, and any custom layouts to be used for that role.

Note: Although you can configure views in layouts based on roles, you shouldn't use the screens as a quick mechanism to define permissions. Roles are all about what menu and views a user can use. Actual permissions are dealt, and enforced everywhere, by using Teams, and a user must be a member of one or more teams in order to use the system as well.

You can perform the following functions with a role:

  • Design what functions the user can invoke from the main menu
  • Assign custom layouts for use in the role
  • Assign users to the role
  • Ensure certain commands are invoked immediately on login. This would enable the system to always open up a certain item, such as a dashboard, whenever they login to see kpi's, workflow, notifications, etc. at a glance.

Default Roles

There are two default roles in the system, these are as follows:

  • Admin
    This provides menu options to all commands in the system
  • Standard User
    This provides menu options to commands that are design, configuration, admin or system orientated in their functionality.

These roles can not be removed from the system, they will always be recreated, and reset on upgrades, or Reset System Roles.

You can copy these roles and use them as templates for designing actual roles you should use for your users.


Roles can be managed using the following views:

  • Roles
  • Role Layouts
  • Role Users
  • Menu
  • Menu Item