Refresh Servers

Refresh Servers provided a convenient and quick mechanism to invalidate the cache of all the servers. This causes all the latest data to be reloaded upon the next request.
This is useful when you've made system changes, and for one reason or another, you're not sure they've propagated across correctly and you want to make sure everything is in sync correctly.

Refresh Servers

The system does not have any views for this function, it is a back-end process. Refreshing the servers simply invalidates the cache for all connected running LemonEdge Services. This includes:

  • Web Service Instances (You can have more than one web service instance running)
  • Task Service Instances (You can have more than one task service instance running)
  • Any clients directly connected to the database itself

This ensures all the latest system settings will be reloaded as needed by those services.

Once it's run the system will prompt if you want to do a refresh all to ensure you have all the correct config information downloaded from the servers. 

This functionality is also run from the Reset System Roles function too [see here for more info].