
The application allows you to login using a variety of different options and configuration depending on your company environment.

Connection Options

The LemonEdge applications can connect via two different methods:

  • Direct Database Connection
  • Web Service Connection

The application has the full complete functionality regardless of which connection method you use.

If you are using a Trial License, or an Unlicensed, version of the application you will not have access to a Web Service connection. You will only be able to connect via a SQL Server direct database connection. This isn't suitable for multiple users, scaling, or production environments, etc., but work perfectly fine for development and other use cases. You can simulate the Task service by using the "Launch Task Service" command from the user menu.

If you do not have a Web Service you can connect to, and want to use the LemonEdge platform anyway, you can start by creating any blank database and directly connecting to that. See our Getting Started guide for an explanation.

If you are using the Website application that is automatically configured to connect to a Web Service, and all you need to do is sign in (see below).

Database Connection

If you want to connect directly to a sql server connection, you have the following details to fill out:

  • Data Source
    This is the server connection string. If connecting to a local default SQL Server instance you can just use a period:
  • Initial Catalog
    This is the name of the database in your SQL Server you want to connect to
  • Integrated Security
    If you set Integrated security to true you do not need a user id and password, the system will connect using your current Windows Credentials.
    • User ID
      If Integrated Security is False you need to supply a user id and password to connect to sql server.
    • Password
      If Integrated Security is False you need to supply a user id and password to connect to sql server.

Service Connection

If you want to connect via a web service, you have the following details to fill out:

  • Service URI
    This is the uri of the LemonEdge web service you wan to connect to. This should be provided by your system administrator and normally starts with 'https://' and ends with '/odata'.
  • Alias
    If the web service you are connecting to is connected to more than one database, you can select the database you want to connect to here. If there is only one database the service connects to this won't be available as an option.

Sign In

Once you have configured your connection, either through Database or Service connection above, you can sign into the application using the following credentials:

  • Use Windows Authentication
    If the Web Service is setup with Windows Authentication, and you have configured users to match your username and domain, you can just tick this option to login.
    • User
      If Use Windows Authentication is false you need to supply a valid username and password to login.
    • Password
      If Use Windows Authentication is false you need to supply a valid username and password to login.

If you connect to a blank databases the system automatically creates root@lemonedge.com with a password of !ltroot
Be sure to change it!

Once you've filled in your credentials you can just click 'OK' to sign into the application.

If this is connecting to a serverless webservice, or serverless database, or performing an upgrade, the initial login may take more than a minute or so. After that subsequent logins should be quick.

Further Reading

Once you've logged into the platform, the following articles may help:

  • Licensing: License your LemonEdge solution
  • Custom Add Ins: Install any 3rd Party, Partner, or otherwise provided AddIn for the platform into your solution.