Instrument Set Items View

Instrument Set Items are used to specify which Instruments you want to match on to be included, or excluded, from the Instrument Set. This is dynamically evaluated at run-time to provide all matching Instruments within an Instrument Set.

Instrument Set Items

Instrument Set Items provide methods in which you can match against Instruments within the Entity Set of the Instrument Set

These attributes are for the basic information contained within a Base Instrument. You can always extend this with custom properties from your own financial instruments that inherit Instruments. The more properties you add for matching the more powerful and dynamic the Instrument Sets are for your end users.

They also include the option to Exclude matching Instruments. This allows you to specify a set of Instruments that match one attribute, then exclude a subset of those Instruments that match another, and other powerful combinations to easily arrive at the set of Instruments you require.

Instrument Set Item Properties

Instrument Set Items have the following properties:

ExcludeIndicates any matching Instruments should be excluded from the resulting set of matching Instruments for this Instrument Set
InstrumentSpecifically matches on an individual Instrument
CurrencyMatches on any Instrument with this specified Currency
Owning EntityMatches on any Instrument with this specified Owning Entity

If more than one property to match on is entered, then all properties must match for Instruments to be included/excluded.


An Instrument Set Item has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.