• Data Sources Tool Window


    The Data SourcesĀ  is a tool window [more info] which allows you to view and edit external data source keys that are associated with records in the system. This way you can hold as many different 3rd party keys against data as you require for reconciliation, importing, exporting and more.

  • Tool Window - Layout Designer View


    The Layout Designer Tool Window view allows you to create, design and modify any layout in the system. You can add views, reports, graphs, pivots, custom views, etc by dragging and dropping them around. These layouts can then be assigned to roles determine what people see when they are editing certain entity types.

  • Tool Window - Layout Designer


    The Layout Designer is a tool window [more info] which allows you to design and modify the layout of the active layout you are working on. This allows you to create tabs and views in the layout and to modify their order and properties. This way you can completely design custom layouts for any entity in the system.