• AddIns View


    AddIns allow you to define each .net core dll you would like loaded as part of the AddIn Module [more info]. AddIn Modules are normally seperated into at least two dlls, one which holds all the entities and algorithms, and another that holds the UI components.

  • AddIn Modules View


    AddIn Modules allow you to drop custom code into the platform to define your entities, algorithms and views while leaving LemonEdge to automatically handle everything else.

    This frees your team to concentrate on your IP, your knowledgeable business domain, and what matters to you enabling you to get to your solutions quicker and easier.

  • AddIn Modules


    AddIns are the core of the LemonEdge platform, and enable you to easily, and quickly, turn the platform into a fully fledged enterprise grade solution for your financial services needs. All our Accelerators [more info] are AddIns that you can drop onto the platform and instantly start running your industry vertical solution with.

    AddIn Modules are a powerful way to utilise the LemonEdge API & Triple Lock to quickly tailor a powerful solution for you enabling you to do more.

  • Default Values View


    Default Values allow you to specify a default value for any property on any entity in the system. You can apply this to any system entity, custom entity or entity created through our API. All entities can have this functionality applied and it is evaluated when ever a new item is created of this entity type - be that through user interaction, automatic processes, importing, API use, or any other means.

  • Default Values


    Default Values allow you to specify a default value for any property on any entity when they are initially created in the system. This enables you to override any standard hard coded, or dynamic, value they may initially have when created with one better suited for your system.

    For example this can be useful for automatically assigning users as owners of specific entities they create - such as tasks.

  • Custom View Code


    Anything created with the Custom View Auto-Code Designer is capable of having that design exported into actual c# code for you to add to your own .net library that can be loaded as an Add-In [see more] in LemonEdge.

  • Custom View Controls View


    Custom View Controls allow you to define the controls for your Custom View [more info] that you want to see along with their order and behaviour. As for the standard view functionality [more info] the LemonEdge platform will take care of all that.

  • Custom Views View


    Custom Views allow you to create views in the UI for any entity that will show specified controls for the data the entity holds. These views will work automatically across all our multi-platform client applications. These views can be used in any custom layouts you make, or can also replace default system views with ones offering different features, controls, or information you want. As with all our auto-code designers you can configure the system using the designer or allow it to provide you with the full code for your design that you can then tailor to your desire, compile and add-in to the system.