• API Entity Code Generator


    Our Code Generator is used to automatically create the actual classes for entities, or complex types, you have designed as interfaces against our API. This means you only need create interface definitions of your entities, and complex types, and can refer to them throughout you solution using just the interfaces. This generator will then create actual classes for you that implement those interfaces correctly. You can then add functionality to those classes and use them throughout the solution instead of just the interfaces if you so wish.

  • Tool Window - Layout Designer View


    The Layout Designer Tool Window view allows you to create, design and modify any layout in the system. You can add views, reports, graphs, pivots, custom views, etc by dragging and dropping them around. These layouts can then be assigned to roles determine what people see when they are editing certain entity types.

  • Tool Window - Layout Designer


    The Layout Designer is a tool window [more info] which allows you to design and modify the layout of the active layout you are working on. This allows you to create tabs and views in the layout and to modify their order and properties. This way you can completely design custom layouts for any entity in the system.

  • Layout Roles View


    Layout Roles allow you to specify which roles will have access to those layouts. This allows you to create different layouts for different roles to streamline the kpi's, and workflow each team participates in.

  • Layouts View


    Layouts control everything a user sees when they are working with a particular entity in the system. You can override the default layout for every screen in the system, including creating your own default layouts for Custom Entities or entities you have created through our API.

  • Image View


    The Image View provides a preview of the custom image itself (indicating if the file is compatible or not), and the functions to change it. The custom image can then be incorporated throughout the application including replacing standard system images where required.

  • Custom Images View


    Custom Images allow you to create a set of personal images that can be used in every place the standard images are used. This allows…

  • Custom Images


    Custom Images allow you to include custom icons, pictures, etc for use everywhere throughout the LemonEdge platform. All images you see in the LemonEdge platform are configurable and come from a predefined set of images. Wherever an image is used (such as buttons on the main menu) you can configure it to use a different image rather than the standard one. This selection also includes any custom images you have added to the system allowing you to completely tailor the look and feel of the application to your requirements.