• SQL Functions


    SQL Functions provide the ability to import .net clr functions into the LemonEdge database for reference and use within the query tools. This provides access to system default algorithms, such as IRR calculations, live from the query tools whilst also providing a mechanism for custom algorithms as well.

  • Data Templates View


    The Data Template View enables you to create, edit and view templates for various different data sources. Data Templates allow you to export any data automatically into pre-configured templates for analysis, reconciliation, reports, etc in a seamless, fast and intuitive way.

  • Data Templates


    Templates provide the ability to create document templates that can be used automatically when exporting data from the system. Any predefined templates are provided to the user as an option when exporting the data rather than just viewing the raw results.

  • Watchers


    The Watchers is a tool window [more info] which allows you to view and configure the current watchers against any given item. This integrates with the workflow providing notifications and ensuring items appear as tasks for other users where configured and required.

  • Export Data


    The Export Data functionality combines all of our exporting capabilities into one easy to use place. You can always access these functions from other relevant areas (for instance being able to export all data you see in every grid in the system), but this provides a one click area to access all your data.

  • Chart Preview View


    The Chart view is a dynamic chart that allows execution of, and displays results for, and Chart setup in the system and its underlying results from a Pivot and SQL Wrapper. This provides a consistent and easy method for visualising and interacting with the results of the data. 

  • Chart Design View


    The Chart Design View allows you to specify the type of chart, much like in Excel, you would like from the data in the underlying Pivot while seeing the chart update in real time as you slice and dice your data.

  • Chart View


    The Chart view enables you to view and edit basic information abut the overall Chart. Charts are used to visually analyse data in the LemonEdge platform, and any external data you want to pull into LemonEdge through custom SQL Wrappers.