• Permissions Tool Window


    The Permissions is a tool window [more info] which allows you to view and edit the actual permissions teams have against a particular data record. By default teams have assigned default permissions by entity type, but these can be overridden at the individual record level to provide precise permission on a per record basis.

  • Tool Window - Tags View


    The Tags Tool Window allows you to view and modify tags against the current active data.

  • Tags Tool Window


    The Data Sources  is a tool window [more info] which allows you to view and edit tags that are associated with records in the system. This way you can tag any record with arbitrary tags defined in the system.

  • Tool Window - Data Sources View


    The Data Sources Tool Window view allows you to view and modify data source records against the current active data.

  • License Info View


    The License Info view allows you to maintain the license information for the validity of each account.

  • Account Maintnenace View


    The Account Maintenance View allows you to specify the basic details about accounts and whether or not they are active.

  • Account Maintenance


    LemonEdge can be setup as a multi-tenanted system in which multiple accounts can run within the same database. Alternatively you can have one account per database and setup the services to connect to as many databases as you like. Our Account Maintenance is designed to allow you to maintain the root account and any other accounts you have within the database.

  • Role Menu Item View


    The Role Menu Item View is designed to fine tune all the options around the command you want to trigger when a user invokes this option from their menu.