• Location View


    The Location View is a basic view for an address that works against and Object Entity type. This includes Companies and People as core parts of the LemonEdge platform, but also any Custom Entity inheriting Object Entity created through out Auto-Code Designers or API.

  • Contact Info View


    The Contact Info view is a basic view for contact information that works against any Object Entity type. This includes Companies and People as core parts of the LemonEdge Platform, but also any Custom Entity inheriting Object Entity created through our Auto-Code Designers or API.

  • Company View


    The Company View provides a basic view of the header information for a company and the core properties of the core Object Entity type it inherits [more info].

  • Companies


    Companies are a form of Entity in the system that can be legal entities within an Entity Set. Therefore they can be part of Entity Structures, and also be allocated to in Allocation Rules.

  • Domicile View


    The Domicile view holds a list of all available domiciles in the system. These can be used as standing data attributes against entities, and user as such for Companies.

  • Domiciles


    Domiciles are simply a set of standing data that can be used for companies or any other entity in the system.

  • Industry View


    The Industry view holds a list of all available industries in the system. These can be used as standing data attributes against entities, and are used for Companies.

  • Industries


    Industries are a simply set of standing data that can be used for companies or any other entity in the system.