• Company Structure Set Entities View


    The Set Entities view allows a mechanism for adding Entities to an Entity Set. Those Entities can then be included in Entity Structures within the Entity Set via Allocation Rules and Allocation Paths.

  • Company Structure View


    The Company Structure view provides a basic view of the header information for a Company Structure and the core properties of the core Entity Set type it inherits [more info].

  • Company Structures


    Company Structures are a form of Entity Set in the system that can contain legal Entities within it forming a contained Entity Structure. Companies are…

  • Person View


    The Person View provides a basic view of the header information for a person and the core properties of the core Object Entity type it inherits [more info].

  • People


    People are a form of Entity in the system that can be legal entities receiving Allocation Rule allocations.

  • Employees View


    The Employees view allows a mechanism for relating the People in the company that are employed and their role. This is for company information and reporting purposes only.

  • Company Ownerships View


    The Company Ownerships view allows a mechanism for creating a heiarchy of Companies. This is for information only, and doesn't replace the Entity Structure functionality of Entity Sets and their hooking into Paths and Transactions.

  • Notes View


    The Notes view is a basic view for holding any additional notes against any Object Entity type. This includes Companies and People as core parts of the LemonEdge platform, but also any Custom Entity inheriting Object Entity created through our Auto-Code Designers or API.