• Importing


    Importing allows you to import from a variety of different formats, from a variety of different sources (using Data Mappings), using a variety of different steps (with Import Definitions) in variety of different ways. It is a complete offering of data integration tools that are so powerful they not only can be used to easily integrate data from other systems, but also to automate other processes such as internal testing.

  • Export Template


    Export Templates are a part of our data integration technologies. It is frequently the case that you want to import data into your system from a variety of 3rd party sources. LemonEdge automatically provides a standard format for importing from csv and xls files. If your legacy 3rd party provider is unable to provide data in the required format you can always use our Data Mappings to translate the custom file to an import the system understands.

  • Import Definition Steps View


    Import Definition Steps allow you to specify each of the steps that the system will sequentially move through when processing the Import Definition. These can be made to work in isolation or as part of a set of steps that all get saved/committed at the end.

  • Import Definitions View


    Import Definitions allow you to specify sequential steps to import sets of data in one process. You can create import definitions to automate processes, for integration with different 3rd party systems, and even for testing functionality on different releases. This ensures you have the tools to remove as much of the manual pain points of data integration, migration and implementation as possible.

  • Import Definitions


    Import Definitions are a part of our data integration technologies. It is frequently the case that you are rarely importing a single file, rather you are importing a set of related files in order for a particular process. Import Definitions are designed to address this problem by providing functionality that enables you to process importing data from a variety of sources in an ordered manner with advanced capabilities.

    This provides an extremely powerful mechanism to configure a single process that can automate interfacing with any 3rd party product. If you have LemonEdge sitting on top of another accounting system, or interfacing with a client/investor system, or feeding a data warehouse, you can make sure that with one click (or on a schedule) you can always import/export all of that data seamlessly onto the platform. 

  • Data Sources Search View


    Data Sources Search enables you to quickly search across the entire system for any 3rd party keys linked to a data source. This ensures you can integrate, reconcile, and report across multiple 3rd party systems with the LemonEdge platform.

  • Data Sources


    Data Sources are designed to answer the common issue of storing unique ids from 3rd party systems (often multiple) for integration, reconciliation and reporting. This functionality allows you to define as many unique data sources as required for each 3rd party system. That is then available as a key field against every record in the system. You can use this to find data by the 3rd party keys and to reconcile back to those systems.

  • Data Mapping Properties View


    Data Mapping Properties allow you to define the columns in the file being imported and how they should be treated, or what properties they should map to.