GL Rollup Headers View
The GL Rollup Headers View contains a hierarchical tree structure allowing you to configure precisely the structure of your gl report and how account balances are rolled up.
GL Rollup Headers Properties
The GL Rollup Headers view allows you to construct the hierarchical structure of your gl rollup report. Each heading can have multiple child headings, and each heading will aggregate the total balances of all child headings into this heading itself for reporting purposes.
Each heading can also have multiple GL Rollup Classifications, again each of which is aggregated into that heading itself in the report using the operator for each GL Rollup Classification you specify.
This way you can easily see the structure of your report. Each header will have it's own line in the report (broken down by various attributes), which will be aggregated and rolled up to parent headers.
A GL Rollup Headers View has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a tree view. See our standard tree view functionality.