
This is a standard system SQL Wrapper [more info] provided by the platform and automatically upgraded on every new release. Do not change this SQL Wrapper unless you are confident about the changes you are making - Contact LemonEdge Support for any queries.

Get Pivoted Allocated Transactions Features

This SQL Wrapper is automatically generated by the system every time changes are made to the Transaction configuration for Transaction type Values. 

This means you can't change this SQL Wrapper as it will just be overwritten by the system anyway. If you want to change it make a copy and work with that.

As with all system SQL Wrappers you can view the SQL code for yourself to see how the system runs this process to ensure there are no black-box algorithms closed of from you.

The system doesn't use this SQL Wrapper by default in any of its processes, rather it is meant as an easy to use query for reporting across all the allocated transactions in the system including all your configuration. This SQL Wrapper forms part of a set of 4 SQL Wrappers designed to be used in any custom query you wish to write:

This SQL Wrapper returns all allocated transactions in the system including all the values for those transactions according to how you've configured them in Transaction Type Values. These values are returned as a value label and value amount, effectively pivoting the results.


This SQL Wrapper has no additional parameters other than the standard parameters of any SQL Wrapper [more info]. 

This is because you can use this query in any custom sql you like joining to any of its properties as you require.


The results have the following columns in the data set:

StatusTransaction Status
Canceled IDID of the Transaction this record cancels
Corrected By IDID of the Transaction this cancelled transaction has been corrected by
Account IDStandard Account ID field
IDglobally unique ID of this transaction
LastUpdatedDate/time stamp this record was last udpated
Modified By UserID of the user that last updated this record
Canvas The ID of any canvas this record belongs to
LockedIndicates if this record has been locked - is Cancelled or Finalized
IndexThe order of this transaction in a set of transactions
Settlement DateThe date this transaction was settled
UnitsThe units this transaction was for
Transfer IDIf this record was created from a Transfer this holds the link to the owning Transfer
Transferred Original ItemThe ID of the original record this one is transferring amounts off of.
EntityIDThe ID of the entity this transaction allocated amount belongs to
Effective DateThe effective date of this transaction
Root TransactionThe ID of the root transaction in a set of transaction. 
Parent TransactionThe parent transaction record this break down allocation amount belongs to
Manual AddedIndicates if this transaction allocation record was manually added by the user and not calculated by the system
Transaction Type Value IDThe ID of the transaction type value this record holds a value within this allocated transaction for
Transaction Type Value ID LabelThe label of the transaction type value. This has the parent index set to the transaction type value id column so the user sees the label instead of the id.
ReportingValueHolds the value of this transaction type value for this allocated transaction in reporting currency.
FuncValueHolds the value of this transaction type value for this allocated transaction in functional currency.
LocalValueHolds the value of this transaction type value for this allocated transaction in local currency.

See Transactions, and their setup, in the Financial Services area for more information. Basically this is a view of transactions that have been broken down by allocated amounts already (Capital Transactions) and hold a Transaction Type Value and its associated amount, effectively pivoting all the values in this allocated transaction record.


All SQL Wrappers have the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

See here for more information on the standard SQL Wrappers result view.