
This is a standard system SQL Wrapper [more info] provided by the platform and automatically upgraded on every new release. Do not change this SQL Wrapper unless you are confident about the changes you are making - Contact LemonEdge Support for any queries.

Get Paths Features

This SQL Wrapper dynamically returns the unique path used that should be used to allocate all transaction for a given instrument.

These paths are determined from our Allocation Mappings in financial services. See here for more information.

This is used throughout the Financial Services functionality including in places like create capital account data items to determine what paths to use to allocate instrument transactions. 


In addition to the standard parameters of any SQL Wrapper [more info] this one takes the following parameters:

Entity SetThe Entity set within which the instruments/paths belong
InstrumentThe instrument ID to return its mapped paths for. If this is null it will return all paths within an entity set and their associated instruments that are mapped to those paths


The results have the following columns in the data set:

Allocation Path IDThe ID of the allocation path to use for allocating any transactions against this instrument 
Instrument IDThe ID of the instrument that should be allocated using this path
Allocation Path ID LabelThe label for this allocation path. This has the Allocation Path ID set as a parent index so the user sees this column instead of an unknown ID
Instrument ID LabelThe label for this instrument. This has the Instrument set as a parent index so the user sees this column instead of an unknown ID
Instrument ID LabelThe label for this instrument. This has the Instrument ID set as a parent index so the user sees this column instead of an unknown ID


All SQL Wrappers have the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

See here for more information on the standard SQL Wrappers result view.