
This is a standard system SQL Wrapper [more info] provided by the platform and automatically upgraded on every new release. Do not change this SQL Wrapper unless you are confident about the changes you are making - Contact LemonEdge Support for any queries.

Get Path Info Features

This SQL Wrapper dynamically returns the final allocations for any given path within an entity set up to the specified effective date.

This includes calculated allocations from every entity in the path up to the root source entity. By breaking it out at every step in the path you can take one path and allocate transactions from every entity in the path by using the appropriate From Entity records.

Get Path Info is the result of combining Allocation Rules, Allocation Paths, and Allocation Mappings from the Financial Services setup of any entity set. See those topics for more information.

The Get Path Info is used by the system whenever transactions need to be allocated through the structure to their ultimate owners. This is designed to be extremely fast, and also allow re-use for all transactions along a path.
The system uses this in places such as Create Capital Account Data calculation for period end processes.
You can also use it in any custom process requiring allocating transactions, or any custom report to take transaction values and immediately allocate them to their ultimate owners.


In addition to the standard parameters of any SQL Wrapper [more info] this one takes the following parameters:

Effective DateIndicates only to use allocations that have an effective date less than or equal to this. This would exclude new allocations, or transfers depending on the date
Entity SetThe entity set you want to return path information for. Paths are designed to work within the structure of a given entity set
PathThe ID of a specific path you want the allocations for. If this is null the results will include all paths within the given entity set
FlattenIndicates if duplicate allocations to the same entity, or transfers, should be aggregated together. This way you only have one percentage per ultimate owner, without it you will have multiple ones that have to be aggregated together to get the final amount.


The results have the following columns in the data set:

Path IDThe ID of the path this allocation is for 
From Entity IDIndicates this allocation should be multiplied against any transaction that has an owning entity matching this from entity
LevelAn arbitrary number indicating the "level" this from entity is at within the path
Include Entity In AllocationsBy default the system is just going to allocate to the ultimate owners in the final allocation rule within a path. If any of those Entities have Include In Entity Allocation set in the path, they may have a rule of their own that should also allocate their percentage of the final amount from.
This flag indicates if this allocation is from a final allocation or from one that is only included because it has its own rule too
Source EntityThis holds the ID of the source entity the allocation is being made from. All allocations in a path allocate to a "top" level entity that the allocations to the ultimate owners come from. This top level entity, known as the root or source entity, is the ultimate entity in the structure for this allocation path. There maybe entities above it (normally for tax purposes) that can also have allocations and they will need the Include Entity In Allocations flag ticked to be part of the path.
This is the entity that would be included in part of the create capital account data item process for period end calculations.
To EntityThe entity that is receiving this allocation 
TransferIf this allocation occurs due to a transfer this holds a link back to the transfer that transferred this allocation amount

Indicates the timing of this allocation:

  • Start Of Day
    The default allocation timing - indicating this allocation is effective from the start of the day
  • End Of Day
    Indicates this allocation only is to be applied from the end of the day (effectively the start of the next day)
Effective DateThe date this allocation was effective from
Will be less than or equal to the Effective Date parameter
PctThe Pct for this allocation from the A rule of the allocation rules in this path
Pct BThe pct for this allocation from the B rule of the allocation rules in this path
Path ID LabelHolds the label of this path. This column has a parent index set to the Path column so that it displays this label rather than an unknown ID for the user.
From Entity ID LabelHolds the label of this from entity. This column has a parent index set to the from entity column so that it displays this label rather than an unknown ID for the user.
Source Entity ID LabelHolds the label of this source entity. This column has a parent index set to the source entity column so that it displays this label rather than an unknown ID for the user.
To Entity ID LabelHolds the label of this to entity. This column has a parent index set to the to entity column so that it displays this label rather than an unknown ID for the user.
Transfer ID LabelHolds the label of this transfer (if any). This column has a parent index set to the Transfer column so that it displays this label rather than an unknown ID for the user.
Rounding Entity IDHold the ID of the To Entity in this rule for this from entity that holds the largest allocation and should be used for rounding
Rounding Entity ID LabelHolds the label of this rounding entity. This column has a parent index set to the rounding entity column so that it displays this label rather than an unknown ID for the user.


All SQL Wrappers have the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

See here for more information on the standard SQL Wrappers result view.