GetGLRollup SQL Wrapper

This is a standard system SQL Wrapper [more info] provided by the platform and automatically upgraded on every new release. Do not change this SQL Wrapper unless you are confident about the changes you are making - Contact LemonEdge Support for any queries.

Get GL Rollup Features

This is a very powerful and easy to use report that through configured GL Rollups can provide consolidated trial balances, capital account statement, p&l, etc gl reports.

The GetGLRollup report is designed to take a GLRollup [more info] and apply that configuration to the burned in capital account data items generated via running a Period End [more info] process.

This report displays the hierarchical nature of the GL Rollup showing the aggregated balance at each level. The report itself is running universally across the reporting currency [see Transactions for more info] for this entity set.


In addition to the standard parameters of any SQL Wrapper [more info] this one takes the following parameters:

Period End
The period end you want to run this report against
GL Rollup
The GL Rollup you want to use to generate the structure of this report against the specified Period End data


The results have the following columns in the data set:

GL HeaderThe GL Header name from the GL Rollup this report is running using
StructKeyA unique key code used to order the result by that position the headers in the correct order, including within the hierarchy they represent
StructKey LabelA user friendly label representing the path to get to this header within the tree. 
EntitySetEntityThe overall owning entity set of all the entities in this entity structure that is being reported on from within this period end
Entity RootThe top level entity within the entity set structure that this amount is being allocated through. You can have more than one top level entity within an entity structure [more info]
EntityThe ultimate beneficiary owner through the structure that this amount is being allocated to
InstrumentIf this amount represents transactions that occurred against an instrument this field holds the instrument breakdown of these transactions. If the instrument field is blank it is just transnational data that has manually been allocated to beneficiary owners such as capital postings
AmountThe aggregate amount in the reporting currency (see Transactions for more info) for all the matching gl data for the GL Rollup Classifications within this GL Rollup Header. See GL Rollups for more info.


All SQL Wrappers have the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

See here for more information on the standard SQL Wrappers result view.