Exchange Rates View

The Exchange Rates view shows all available exchange rates from a Currency to any other Currency.

Exchange Rates Features

The Exchange Rates view works against a single Currency displaying all exchange rates from that currency, or against no Currency showing all Exchange Rates period.

Exchange rates do not need to be entered for a reciprocal, the system will automatically calculate reciprocal exchange rates whenever it needs them.

Exchange Rate Properties

Exchange Rates have the following properties:

Effective DateThe date the exchange rate is effective from
From CurrencyThe Currency this exchange rate is exchanging from
To CurrencyThe Currency this exchange rate is exchanging to
RateThe exchange rate value to exchange from the From Currency to the To Currency

You only need to enter one exchange rate from/to a currency, the system will automatically calculate the reciprocal if required.

When viewing this grid from a single currency the From Currency column won't be visible as it always hold the Currency you are viewing exchange rates for. You can view all exchange rates that are setup To this Currency instead by selecting the "View Reciprocals" command.


An Exchange Rate has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

When the Exchange Rates is being used against a Currency, it also has the following custom command:

  • View Reciprocal
    By default the Exchange Rates are showing all exchange rates from the Currency you are viewing. You can switch this to show all exchange rates To this Currency by selecting this command.