Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates represent the rate to use when converting from one currency to another.

Exchange Rate Features

Exchange Rates hold the rates for exchanging one currency to another.

You only need to store a rate from one currency to another for a single date, you don't need to also store the opposite, the system will calculate any reciprocals as required.

Exchange Rate Retrieval

When the system requires an exchange rate from currency A to currency B the system follows the following process:

  • Gets the first result from the exchange rates where the from currency equals A and the to currency equals B, or the opposite, and the Effective Date is less than or equal to the required data ordered by Effective Date in Descending order. 
  • If there is no rate the system uses 0
  • If there is a rate where the From currency is A it uses it
  • If there is a rate where the From currency is B it calculates the reciprocal and uses it

This is efficiently cached for multiple re-use throughout calculations.


Exchange Rates use the following views: