Enterprise Tools

Enterprise Tools is the second lock of our Triple Lock designed to address the commonality of issues within software for the Financial Services industry. Enterprise Data Tools centers around simplifying access to your data and insights.

This provides the latest advanced business integration, productivity, workflow, data modelling, reporting and control features built to enterprise grade as part of the core offering. Everything you’ve built on the LemonEdge platform automatically incorporates these professional functions out of the box. All these tools sit on top of our API and Open Architecture providing you an unparalleled ability to personalise them to your solution.

Enterprise Data Tools Features

Our Enterprise data Tools functionality splits into 3 major user accessible areas. These tools are all available as part of the Standard Role as well as the Admin role, as these functions are tools we expect every user of the system to want to have some level of access to.

  • Workflow
    This area is all about enhancing your ability to work with your data in different teams and provide mechanisms to bring you insights through different processes to your data for you
  • Reporting
    This is a complete set of tools encompassing all the reporting tools you would require to get all of the data out of the system in any way you require. That's from low level custom sql, drag and drop query tools, easy exporting, slice+dice analysis, gl rollup reporting, pivots, charts, all the way through to professional 3rd party reporting integration.
  • Tools
    These tools enhance your process around working with your data and compliment our workflow capabilities to ensure you can always have an understanding of everything that is going on with your data, processes and states.