Default Values

Default Values allow you to specify a default value for any property on any entity when they are initially created in the system. This enables you to override any standard hard coded, or dynamic, value they may initially have when created with one better suited for your system.

For example this can be useful for automatically assigning users as owners of specific entities they create - such as tasks.

Default Value Features

Default Values are globally applied to all entities created regardless of user. You can specify a hardcoded value to always be the default, or you can specify a formula that is evaluated when the entity is being created in order to determine the value to be assigned to the new entity. You can apply different values to different roles, users, teams at this stage by evaluating the context passed to the formula. 

See our formula engine for more information as to what functionality is available with your formula, and the context it is provided.

Default values are evaluated whenever a new item of that entity is created. This is irrespective of how the item is created - be that by the user manually, through automatic processes, our API, importing, or by any other means.


Default Values can edited using the following views: