Data Source Types

Data Source Types are used to create the various 3rd party data sources that every record in the system can store a unique id for.

Data Source Type Features

This allows you to create all the different external systems that LemonEdge needs to interact with. For each external data source type, you can mark every record in the system with a unique ID linking that record to the external systems version of the same record. You can do this easily via the Data Sources View or Tool Window.

Data Sources must hold unique IDs for each Entity Type.


With records holding unique ids for different Data Source Types you can then utilise all of our Reporting technologies to easily search, group, filter records by external system ids.

The Data Source Types are also integrated into all of our Exporting and Importing technologies. Whenever you export data out of the system, it also provides you the ability to choose which extra data sources associated with the data you would also like to include in the export.

Likewise when importing data you can import external Data Source Type ids from external systems. In addition using our Data Mappings functionality you can also use the external IDs as a key in the import to find, update and modify records when importing from external systems.


Data Source Types have the following views: