Data Mappings View

Data Mappings allow you to specify different rules for parsing files from 3rd party sources and any transformations to make before importing the data into the LemonEdge system. This provides a powerful mechanism for automating manual processes around importing data ensuring that even legacy vendors that only provide rigid text files in one format for data can still be worked with to integrate into this platform. We believe in ensuring you have the power to work with data (in our system or not) the way you want to be able to.

Data Mapping Features

Data Mappings are available for the user to use whenever they are importing data from 3rd party systems. This can be through our import functionality, through our Import Definitions, or even through our API. In either case a mapping can always be used to ensure you can work with any file source.

Mappings come in 3 main varieties:

  1. General:
    A mapping that isn't specific to any data type but rather just to the format of the file itself such as Unicode and pipe ('|') delimited.
  2. Column Headers:
    A mapping specific to a certain data type that specifies the file has certain headers that you can map to properties of that data type.
  3. Ordered Headers
    A mapping specific to a certain data type that specifies the file has no headers and is instead always ordered a certain way that you can use to map to properties of that data type.

In either case you still always have the ability to add your own formulas that can be evaluated at runtime to perform data transformation tasks should you wish to as well.

Data Mapping Properties

Data Mappings have the following properties:

The unique user friendly name for this data mapping
Entity TypeThe entity type this data mapping strictly applies to.
Can be blank for all data types if just specifying file formatting and no property mappings.
Is DefaultIndicates if you have more than one data mapping for a specific Entity Type that this is the default one to use
DescriptionA user friendly description of this data mapping
EncodingThe type of encoding this file will be formatted in.
Valid Values: ASCII, BigEndianUnicode, Unicode, UTF32, UTF8, UTF7.
Use HeadersIndicates if this file will have column headers
DelimiterIndicates the string used to signify data delineation.
If this string is to be used as a valid piece of data that data must be surrounded by double quotes. (").
The default is the comma (','). 

See our import functionality for more detail on the use of Data Mappings.


A data mapping has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.

Data Mappings can be exported and imported as packaged xml files to transfer configuration across systems. Again this is available from the standard grid commands.