Data Mapping Properties View

Data Mapping Properties allow you to define the columns in the file being imported and how they should be treated, or what properties they should map to.

Data Mapping Property Features

You can only use property mappings if the Data Mapping itself has an Entity Type specified that indicates it will only work with a certain type of data.

Properties define the manner in which you wish to treat a column from the import file. This can break down into the following main use cases:

  • Use the column as part of a key to uniquely identify the record being inserted/updated
  • Map the column (either from a column header name, or it's order in the file if there are no column headings) to an actual property of the data being imported.
  • Trim the data
  • Automatically provide a hardcoded value to always use on import
  • Automatically provide a formula to always use on importing the data

Together this provides a powerful way to not only ensure you can import from any data source but also through our formula engine [more info] that you can perform data transformation during the import too.



Every Data Mapping Property has the following properties:

The sequence specifies the order this column will be found in the import file. This only matters if "Use Headers" on the Data Mapping is set to false.
This field is hidden in the grid, but you can show it using our standard grid commands. You can easily change it using the Move Up/Down commands too.
Column Header NameIf you are using a mapping with headers then here you can specify the name the column heading will have as it appears in the file. This doesn't need to be in order it appears in the file, just needs the matching name.
If the file has no column headings then this can be left blank and the column order is all that matters (see sequence above).
You can also use this value in a formula for other properties if you want. To do that you can use this Column Header Name in a formula by using %NAME%. In which case if this is blank you can provide it a unique name anyway for referring to it in a formula later on.
Property Name

Provides the property name the data in this column should be mapped to against the specified entity type in the Data Mapping
Including the entity types actual properties, this list also includes the following additional mappings:

  • Not Mapped
    Indicates this column isn't mapped to any property. The data value it contains can be referenced in formulas using %COLUMN_HEADER_NAME%.
  • Import Data Action
    Indicates how to process the data. Valid Values are:
    • None - Ignore this record
    • Import - Create, update, or process a custom action for this record
    • Delete - Delete the matching record
  • Import Data Type
    Indicates the entity type of the data being imported. Not required as specified by the mapping anyway.
  • Data Sources
    Indicates the data should be mapped to a unique data source field holding keys relating to 3rd party systems. See here for more info on Data Sources.
Use As KeyIndicates this value should be used as part of a key when looking up if this record exists. This is because the import routines automatically update existing records or insert new ones depending on if it can find existing records. Normally this is determined using the entity types standard keys, but you can override that here and use other unique combinations or unique data source ids from 3rd party systems.
Trim ValueRemoves leading and trailing spaces from the data before parsing it for this property data type.
Override ValueA hard coded value to always use for this property
Override Value FormulaA formula (see our formula engine for more info) that is evaluated for each record and the result used for this property. This formula can also refer to other columns in this file by using %COLUMN_HEADER_NAME% in the formula.

Each Mapping Property enables you to map data from the file (from whatever format the file is in) to an actual property in the system you want to import. Alternatively you can use formulas to lookup other relevant data/records/relationships, or to transform it on the fly as it is being imported.

See our Importing function for more information, but by using these mappings you can ensure you can always automate data from any 3rd arty system into our platform.


A Data Mapping Property has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality for more info.

As a Data Mapping Property has a sequence the standard grid allows you to move the items up and down changing their order.