Custom Grids

Custom Grids allow you to quickly create grids in the UI for any entity in the system. This includes system entities, custom entities and entities you have created with AddIns using our API as all entities whether system or designed are the same. You can use your custom grids in any custom layouts or override system grids with your own grids.

Custom Grid Features

Any grid created by this designer is a real grid in the system the same as our standard ones - not a different grid. This means your custom grids seamlessly integrate with all our multi-platform client applications [see more] while also automatically getting all the advanced functionality from our standardised grids. This brings a consistent and powerful experience to the user ensuring easier use of the capabilities and a quicker learning curve. The main features your grid automatically acquires with no work are as follows:

  • Enforced Permissions
  • Paging
  • Sorting
  • Filtering
  • Exporting
  • Multi-Select

For complete information on the standard functionality custom grids automatically acquire see here.


Custom Grids can be edited using the following views:


As with any Auto-Code designer, you can always export your configuration using this designer into actual c# code that you can use directly with our platform. See here for an example with custom grids.