Custom Entity Property Link View

Custom Entity Property Links allow you to specify a relationship for this property to another entity within the system from this Custom Entity [more info].

All entities in the system, whether system ones, auto-code designer ones, or custom ones written through our API, are all the same and have the same functionality. The system entities use the same API as any entity that is custom created.

As such you can link a relationship to any other entity in the system, be it an auto-code designed entity, system entity, or one developed through the API.

Custom Entity Link Property

These relationships can be configured using the following properties:

LinkToTypeThe type of entity you want this relationship to link to
LinkToTypePropertyNameThe property on the target entity of this relationship that holds a uniquely identifying field.
This is typically always ID - the internal global unique identifier.
DeleteWithRelationshipsIndicates you want this entity to be automatically deleted (in a cascading delete fashion) when the linked to entity is itself deleted.
PartOfParentSetIndicates this entity is part of a set of entities that this linked to entity is in also.
For instance a Parent Item may have a Child Item with a relationship pointing to the Parent Item and this set to true. That would make the Child Item a part of this set and when exporting in xml the Child Item would be included as part of the set of data.
LinkToItemInSetIndicates this linked to item is also part of a set, but not through a parent/child relationship and is just an associated item that may be the parent of its own set of data too.
InheritPermissionsIndicates this entity should inherit permissions from the specified entity. 
Prevent Auto ConstraintsPrevent LemonEdge from creating constraints in sql for this relationship to enforce its validity. This can improve performance on certain bulk loading tables.