Custom Entity Properties View

Custom Entity Properties allow you to define the properties/fields for each of your Custom Entities [more info]. These are equivalent to designing the columns in a database table - as for the back-end LemonEdge will use this to automatically do precisely that. 

Custom Property Features

Custom properties are the fields that represent properties of your record. These fields can have any relevant type, and the system automatically incorporates this knowledge into upgrading the database, accessing the fields through query tools, auditing, etc.

The system also handles automatically creating the correct controls in the grid and views across all the client applications for every property you create. You simply need only specify which property you would like as a column, or control, and LemonEdge takes care of the rest.

Custom Properties

Every Custom Entity Property has the following properties:

Column Name 
A required field which is the unique (within this entity) name of this property. This is the actual name of the column which will be created in the database.
Column TypeThe sql type to store the data of this field in.
Property NameA unique (within this entity) name of the property for this field. This is the name of the property the class for this entity will have. Normally this is the same as the ColumnName, but can be different.
IsPartOfKeyEvery record has an internal globally unique identifier. However this check indicates if this property forms part of the key that makes these records unique - such as a Legal Name for a Company. These key fields will be used to uniquely identify records when importing/exporting and from other user identifiable methods.
IsNullableIndicates if this field can legally hold a null value
IsLabelIndicates if this field holds the label to be used when referring to this record. This label is displayed in tab headers when looking at the entity, and in recent and favourite lists, etc.
ColumnMaxLengthIf this column type requires a length, such as nvarchar, then you should specify one here. If none is specified the system assumes nvarchar(max).
ColumnPrecisionIf this field requires a precision and scale (such as decimal) then you can specify the precision component here
ColumnScaleIf this field requires a precision and scale (such as decimal) then you can specify the scale component here
DescriptionA user friendly description, that the user can see when looking at this field.

If the field holds a relationship to another entity (LemonEdge automatically handles the UI component of managing relationships) then you also need to specify a Property Link for the Custom Entity Property too. A relationship requires column type of uniqueidentifier and can either be null or not depending on whether or not the relationship permits that.


A Custom Entity Property has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality for more info.