Company View

The Company View provides a basic view of the header information for a company and the core properties of the core Object Entity type it inherits [more info].

Company Properties

Companies have the following properties:

The unique friendly user name of this company
The unique code for this company
Legal Name
The legal name of this company
The currency this company operates in
Has GLIndicates if this Company has a GL.
If it does then it can have Transactions booked against it, and will have Period Closing functionality.
Allow Rule AllocationsIndicates if this Company can be allocated to in Allocation Rules.
If it can then it can belong as part of an Entity Structure within an Entity Set. 
Typically if a Company can be part of an Allocation Rule, it will also have a GL.
DomicileThe domicile of this company
IndustryThe industry of this company

If you have changed Has GL you may need to close and re-open the Company in order to see the tabs that provide access to Transactions and Period Closings for the Company depending.
This is dependent on the type of Client you are accessing LemonEdge with.


A Company has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.