Company Structure Set Entities View

The Set Entities view allows a mechanism for adding Entities to an Entity Set. Those Entities can then be included in Entity Structures within the Entity Set via Allocation Rules and Allocation Paths.

Set Entity Features

The Set Entities View is a basic view that works against all types that inherit Entity Sets, in this case Company Structures.

By adding Entities to the Entity Set, those Entities can then be used in Allocation Paths Rules as Entities within the Entity Set that follow a Path. You won't be able to select an Entity for an Allocation Path Rule without first adding them as being part of the Entity Set.

Set Entity Properties

Company Structure Set Entities have the following properties:

EntityAny valid Entity in the system (Companies are the default system one) that is marked as Has a GL.


A Set Entity has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.