The LemonEdge API underpins the entire platform and provides you access to every aspect of the system as granular as you like. For detailed documentation on our API, Auto-Code Designers and how to build solutions on the platform please see our developer documentation.

Our platform is written entirely in .Net Core providing you the ability to utilise our API using any .Net language such as c#, f# or VB.Net. The API has 3 broad ways of interacting with it:

  • Design API
    This covers creating your entities, their properties and interacting with them. 
  • Context API
    This covers querying, creating, updating and deleting your entites. It also covers creating your own algorithms that can run on the client or server tasks, and the rest/odata interface the web service creates.
  • UI API
    This covers creating grids, views, commands and other controls for interacting with your entities in any of our multi-platform LemonEdge clients.

The API is more than just an interface for interacting with your designs though. It also automates most of the back-end, middle tier and front-end work for you in a true low-code manner. All you need concentrate on is creating your entities, and the algorithms associated with them - the system takes care of everything else, including:

Core CodeCreate Entity InterfaceManualManual
 Decorate Entity Interface with LemonEdge attributesManualNot Required
 Add Custom Validation LogicAutomaticManual
 Create Entity ClassesAutomaticManual
SQL DatabaseCreate/Upgrade TablesAutomaticManual
 Create Tables for AuditingAutomaticManual
 Ensure foreign keys/ indexes, etc setupAutomaticManual
 Create Stored Procedures for Insert, Delete, UpdateAutomaticManual
 Create functions for querying data including permissions, auditing and sandboxingAutomaticManual
Database Access CodeUpdate DB Contexts to be aware of entitiesAutomaticManual
 Ensure Context can work with permissions, auditing and sandboxingAutomaticManual
Web Service CodeAdd Entities controller logicAutomaticManual
 Add permissions, validation, etc to controller for entitiesAutomaticManual
Core CodeIntegrate entities into query toolsAutomaticManual
 Integrate entities into core importing/exportingAutomaticManual
 Ensure all operations are executed in transaction with validations & permissions checksAutomaticManual
 Taking algorithms and allowing them to be offloaded to server tasksAutomaticManual
Client CodeCreate a grid of entitiesEasily pick columns of entityManual
 Sorting, filtering, searching, opening, deleting, etc consistently in every gridAutomaticManual
 Create a view for a single entityEasily pick fields for viewManual
 Ensuring views work consistently across core app, console app and web viewAutomaticManual
 Ensuring client works consistently across multi-platforms of linux, windows and macsAutomaticManual