Allocation Path Rules View

An Allocation Path Rule indicates how an Entity within an Allocation Path should allocate using it's Allocation Rules either to other entities within the structure (continuing the path), or to the ultimate owners, or both. This makes an Allocation Path Rule a step along the path.

Allocation Path Rule Features

Allocation Path Rules allow you to specify which rule to use for each entity along this path in your entity structure.

For each rule you select that allocates to another entity within the structure itself you have to create another Allocation Path Rule for that allocated to Entity so the system understands how to complete the Path.

You can also mark steps within the path with "Include Entity In Allocation", this ensures when creating the allocations to use that it will include this entity as well as the entities it allocates to as part of the final allocations. This is useful for vehicles that exist above Root Entities for tax, and other purposes. See here for more information.

Allocation Path Rule Properties

Allocation Path Rules have the following properties:

The entity within the structure that is part of this Path
A rule belonging to this Entity that indicates how to allocate from this entity to ultimate owners and/or other entities within the structure itself (continuing the path upwards)
Include In Entity AllocationIndicates that this Entity should be included in the final allocation percentages. Required for entities sitting above the Root Entity for tax purposes. See here for more information.


An Allocation Path has the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.