
If you have been provided any accelerators, products, or custom AddIns, for use with your LemonEdge platform from ourselves, Partners, or 3rd Parties, then you need to install them into the platform in order to upgrade your solution.


AddIns can be provided to you through 3rd Parties, or be developed internally as part of your proprietary solution.

LemonEdge also has a selection of out-of-the-box solutions for different industries, along with offerings from our specialized Partners. You can find more information about these offerings from our Marketplace.

To download any AddIn from the market place you will need to contact the Partner, or ourselves, for a valid AddIn Shared Access Token to download the module. If you don't have one, you can acquire one by simply emailing us at, requesting access to one of the AddIn modules with the following details:

  • The Name of the AddIn module
  • Your Company Name
  • A valid company email
  • The type of License you currently hold (or would like)

We can then arrange to send you a AddIn Shared Access Token which will provide you download access for the specified module.


Custom AddIns are installed into your LemonEdge solution using our AddIn Modules, see here for more information.

If you have been provided any AddIns through 3rd Parties, or our Partners, they may come with their own instructions on additional steps required. 

An AddIn comes with a ModuleStructure.csv file of the following format:

AddInDllName, Name, Order, Active, IsCore, IsCoreUI, IsConsoleOnlyUI, IsWPFOnlyUI, IsXamarinOnlyUI
Example.dll, Example Addin, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0

Note: Always fully backup your database before performing the following steps, and never run live in production. Ensure all your tests pass using a copy of production before upgrading a production system.

You can use this file to guide the configuration of the AddIn Module in the following steps:

  1. Login as Admin (or another user of the root account with permissions to modify AddIn Modules)
  2. On the Main Menu, go to API -> AddIn Modules.
  3. Click New AddIn Module, and give it a name
  4. For each dll as part of your Accelerator or Custom AddIn
    1. Create a new AddIn, and give it a name
    2. Select Change AddIn and select the provided dll from your local computer
    3. Tick Active
    4. Tick IsCore for all non ui dlls
    5. Tick IsCore UI for all UI dlls
    6. Tick any other options specifically mentioned with your Accelerator or AddIn
  5. Click Save

If you are running the application connected to a web service, you will need to instruct the service to upgrade the database with the changes you have made. To do that you can click the "Upgrade Database" command and select "Force Upgrade".
The system will process upgrading the database for you. Until the task completes you will not have access to the system. If you encounter any difficulties please contact your 3rd Party Supplier, Partner, or ourselves at

Note: You will see the progress of this task appear in the top right of your application. If it is not being processed you may not have the Task Service running. If you are directly connected to the database (instead of via a webservice), you can launch it locally by clicking on your login name on the top right to bring the user menu drop down and select Launch Task Service. This will prompt for a log file location and then run the service and process your task.

Once that's complete you can close the application, and log back into LemonEdge again in order to load in all your changes. If you were connected via a web service then the system will have already been upgraded by the service, and you should log straight back in.

If you were connected directly to the database, and you didn't process the "Upgrade Database" task above, then the system will automatically upgrade the database when you login. This will make the login process take longer than usual. Again if you encounter any difficulties please contact your 3rd Party Supplier, Partner, or ourselves at

Demo Databases

If the marketplace addin also comes with example, or demonstration databases, you can use those instead. 

The database itself will contain the appropriate AddIns already within it, so you only need to follow the installation steps above if you want to upgrade the version of the AddIn that comes with the database. Typically they are always on the latest version so you don't need to do anything.

To restore the database follow the "Import a Demo Database" steps in our getting started guide. Once that is restored you can simply connect to it and the latest AddIn will already work for you.