Interface ITransactionCodeGLEntry
The system entity for a transaction code gl entry, which holds settings for how to process the gl within a parent ITransactionCode
See for more information
Inherited Members
Namespace: LemonEdge.API.Entities
Assembly: API.dll
[EntityDefinition(EntityID.TransactionCodeGLEntry, "dbo.LT_TransactionCodeGLEntries", "TransactionCodeGLEntry", IsStandingDataEntity = true)]
public interface ITransactionCodeGLEntry : IBaseEntity, IEquatable<IBaseEntity>, INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyPropertyChanging, ICloneableAsync, ICanTrackProperties
Indicates what to use for the date of the gl entry.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.SmallInt, false)]
[EntityDescription("Indicates what to use for the date of the gl entry.")]
TransactionCodeGLEntryDate Date { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TransactionCodeGLEntryDate |
A formula used to evaluate what date to use for the gl entry.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, true)]
[EntityDescription("A formula used to evaluate what date to use for the gl entry.")]
string DateFormula { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
Indicates if this entry should be a debit or credit.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.SmallInt, false)]
[EntityDescription("Indicates if this entry should be a debit or credit.")]
TransactionCodeGLEntryDbCr DebitCredit { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TransactionCodeGLEntryDbCr |
A formula used to evaluate which entity this gl entry is against. By default (if formula is empty) it is the entity of the transaction itself.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, true)]
[EntityDescription("A formula used to evaluate which entity this gl entry is against. By default (if formula is empty) it is the entity of the transaction itself.")]
string EntityFormula { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
Indicates whether the reporting, functional or local, is used, the other being automatically calculated from the exchange rate.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.SmallInt, false, "6")]
[EntityDescription("Indicates whether the reporting, functional or local, is used, the other being automatically calculated from the exchange rate.")]
TransactionTypeValueEntry Entry { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TransactionTypeValueEntry |
[Key] Links to IGLAccount. The GL Account you want to automatically debit or credit
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, false)]
[EntityRelationship(EntityID.GLAccount, "ID", SingleJoinType.One, "GLAccount", "ITransactionCodeGLEntry", DeleteWithRelationship = false, PartOfParentSet = false, LinkToItemInSet = false, InheritPermissions = true)]
[EntityDescription("This indicates which gl account to create an entry with")]
Guid GLAccountID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Guid |
[Key] Links to ILedger. The Ledger to specifically use for this GL Posting entry. This can be explicitly set to be different than the Ledger of the parent Transaction.
If left blank the GL Posting will automatically be in the same Ledger as the Transaction.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, true)]
[EntityRelationship(EntityID.Ledger, "ID", SingleJoinType.ZeroToOne, "Ledger", "ITransactionCodeGLEntry", DeleteWithRelationship = false, PartOfParentSet = false, LinkToItemInSet = false)]
[EntityDescription("Indicates which ledger to use. If not specified it automatically inherits the ledger from the transaction code.")]
Guid? LedgerID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Guid> |
A formula used to evaluate which currency the local gl entry is against. By default (if formula is empty) it is the transaction currency. Functional is always the currency of the entry this gl entry is against.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, true)]
[EntityDescription("A formula used to evaluate which currency the local gl entry is against. By default (if formula is empty) it is the transaction currency. Functional is always the currency of the entry this gl entry is against.")]
string LocalCurrencyFormula { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
[Key] Links to ITransactionCode. This is a gl entry automatically created from a specified value on a transaction code
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, true)]
[EntityRelationship(EntityID.TransactionCode, "ID", SingleJoinType.ZeroToOne, "TransactionCode", "ITransactionCodeGLEntry", DeleteWithRelationship = false, PartOfParentSet = true, LinkToItemInSet = true)]
[EntityDescription("This is a gl entry automatically created from a specified value on a transaction code")]
Guid? TransactionCodeID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Guid> |
[Key] Links to ITransactionTypeValue. The Value from the Transaction the system should use to populate this GL Posting automatically with.
If this is against a Transaction Code you can pick from the Values this Transaction Code has configured to use.
If this is against a Transaction Type Value already this column will be hidden and will always just take the Value from that field anywayDeclaration
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, true)]
[EntityRelationship(EntityID.TransactionTypeValue, "ID", SingleJoinType.ZeroToOne, "TransactionTypeValue", "ITransactionCodeGLEntry", DeleteWithRelationship = false, PartOfParentSet = true, LinkToItemInSet = true)]
[EntityDescription("This is a gl entry automatically created from a specified transaction type value.")]
Guid? TransactionTypeValueID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Guid> |
A formula used to evaluate what functional value to use for the gl entry.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, true)]
[EntityDescription("A formula used to evaluate what functional value to use for the gl entry.")]
string ValueFunctionalFormula { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
A formula used to evaluate what local value to use for the gl entry.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, true)]
[EntityDescription("A formula used to evaluate what local value to use for the gl entry.")]
string ValueLocalFormula { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
A formula used to evaluate what reporting value to use for the gl entry.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, true)]
[EntityDescription("A formula used to evaluate what reporting value to use for the gl entry.")]
string ValueReportingFormula { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |