Interface ITransactionTypeValue
The system entity for a transaction type value, which is a defined value that transactions can track and are configurable in transaction codes
See for more information
Inherited Members
Namespace: LemonEdge.API.Entities
Assembly: API.dll
[EntityDefinition(EntityID.TransactionTypeValue, "dbo.LT_TransactionTypeValues", "TransactionTypeValue", LabelColumn = "Name", IsStandingDataEntity = true)]
[EntityLinkToAnyParentRelationshipModifier(EntityID.SQLWrapper, "OwnerEntityID", "ID", ExcludeFromRelationship = true)]
public interface ITransactionTypeValue : IBaseEntity, IEquatable<IBaseEntity>, INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyPropertyChanging, ICloneableAsync, ICanTrackProperties
The unique short code for this Value. This will be appended to the column names for the Transaction when reporting, importing/exporting, etc. For instance a value with the code ROC will provide 3 Transaction fields: Local_ROC, Func_ROC, Reporting_ROC
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, (short)10, false)]
[EntityDescription("The unique short code of this transaction value.")]
string Code { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
A user friendly description for this value
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, (short)2000, true)]
[EntityDescription("A user friendly description of this transaction value.")]
string Description { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
This indicates to the system how this value should be entered by the user
For instance when using a value like Unrealized FX the entry would be LocalFunctionalReporting to indicate the fx amounts in functional and reporting can be entered, and local should be left as 0 not calculated from the exchange rates.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.SmallInt, false)]
[EntityDescription("Indicates whether the reporting, functional or local, is used, the other being automatically calculated from the exchange rate.")]
TransactionTypeValueEntry Entry { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
TransactionTypeValueEntry |
[Key] The unique user friendly name of this value that can be recorded by Transactions
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, (short)500, false)]
[EntityDescription("The unique name of this transaction value.")]
string Name { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
Links to ITransactionType. The parent transaction type this value is a member of
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, false)]
[EntityRelationship(EntityID.TransactionType, "ID", SingleJoinType.One, "TransactionType", "ITransactionTypeValue", DeleteWithRelationship = true, PartOfParentSet = true, LinkToItemInSet = false, InheritPermissions = true)]
Guid TransactionTypeID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Guid |
The unique index used to refer to any transactional value corrosponding to this type. This is an auto-incrementing column maintained by the system.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.SmallInt, false)]
[EntityDescription("The unique index used to refer to any transactional value corrosponding to this type.")]
short ValueIndex { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int16 |